Monday, December 1, 2008

Free Ajamu Bandele! Call-in Today

CALL IN ALL DAY during the international Call In Day - Monday, December 1st

Call the Pennsylvania Parole Board demanding they grant Orlando Gibson bond!

Phone (717) 787- 5699 (wait for operator and ask to speak to Board Secretary!)
Fax (717) 787-4666

The time has come to intensify the struggle for the release of our Comrade Ajamu Bandele (Orlando Gibson) - International Outreach Director of the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement - from the clutches of the York County Prison system and Pennsylvania Parole Board. Comrade Ajamu was arrested by the York County Police Department on Wednesday, October 29th and framed up with charges of possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.

The InPDUM has been organizing to expose Ajamu's arrest as a set up by the York Police Department, an attack on the African Liberation Movement and an attempt to undermine the very important political work Ajamu was doing in the community!

At the same time, the Pennsylvannia Parole Board has placed a detainer on Ajamu's bond, denying his the ability to return to his family and community as he awaits his preliminary hearing and the trial that may follow it.

Ajamu has a preliminary hearing on Tuesday, December 2nd at the York County Courthouse - at which time York County Magistrate Richard Martin will make a determination as to whether there is enough "evidence" for the case to go to a trial. Should the case go to trial, a determination will also be made by the Pennsylvania Parole Board as to whether the detainer on his bond shall be lifted.

We must act today!

Sign the petition demanding Ajamu be granted bond:

CALL IN ALL DAY during the international Call In Day - Monday, December 1st.

Call the Pennsylvania Parole Board demanding they grant Orlando Gibson bond!

Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole
Phone: (717) 787-5699 (wait for operator and ask to speak to Board Secretary!)
Fax: (717) 787-4666

York County Probation Dept
Phone: (717) 771-9602 (wait for operator and ask to speak to Board Secretary!)

Call Magistrate Richard Martin demanding that the charges on Orlando Gibson be dropped!
Magistrate Richard Martin: (717) 771-4792

For more information:

Saturday, November 15, 2008

"Clean drinking water facility in Sierra Leone needs support": Dr. Michelle Strongfields speaks in Philly

On Friday, November 7th, 2008, Dr. Michelle Strongfields spoke at a benefit for the All African People’s Development and Empowerment Project at the Dhyana Yoga Center in Olde City in Philadelphia, PA. This benefit was co-sponsored by Uhuru Solidarity Movement as a part of a campaign which people can join to build solidarity with AAPDEP. Dr Strongfields, a Cuban-trained African doctor living in West Philadelphia, reported on her recent work building AAPDEP programs in Sierra Leone addressing the epidemic of infant mortality due to unclean drinking water.

AAPDEP is an African-led organization of the Uhuru Movement established to engage in development projects to transform the dire conditions imposed on African communities worldwide by making use of the vast technical expertise of Africans everywhere. Among other current initiatives, AAPDEP is building a rainwater harvesting and community healthcare facility, as well as a community fishing project in Oloshoro, Sierra Leone, and sponsoring a borehole (pressurized well) for irrigation of a 25-acre section of farmland of the Ujamma Youth Farming Project (UYFP) in Gweru, Zimbabwe.

Dr. Strongfields' presentation exposed that while Africa is the most mineral-rich continent on the planet, centuries of brutal assault by Europeans and the U.S. though the slave trade, colonialism and now neo-colonial plunder, has left the vast majority of African people in a state of starvation, without food, clean water, adequate shelter or health care. Unlike charity programs which don't change the cause of the problems, AAPDEP is providing leadership to African people to transform these conditions and to regain power over their lives and resources. AAPDEP’s programs are “from the people, to the people”, hearing the needs of the community, then focusing the resources available to create solutions led by African people themselves.

Dr. Strongfields began her presentation by showing a picture of Baby Alusine, who the AAPDEP team helped get access to the very limited local health care available in Oloshoro. Severely dehydrated, Baby Alusine ultimately was one of the 15 babies who died in the short time Dr. Strongfields was in Sierra Leone. This death was not only a tragedy for Baby Alusine’s parents and his twin sister, but also for African people as a whole, since he represents “the future of Africa and African people”, the next generation of teachers, health care workers and leaders. It is estimated that every year 3.4 million people die as a result of water related diseases. This is the single leading cause of death world wide, the majority being children under five years old.

Dr. Strongfields also described the productive organizing work, which created a leadership structure and committees in meetings involving hundreds of local participants. In brainstorming sessions, the community was able to identify basic needs for creating their own solutions. The people resolved to create a facility to harvest and purify rain water as a reliable source of clean drinking water. This facility will also house a rehydration station for local children suffering from diarrhea due to water contaminated by bacteria and parasites, which is often deadly in Africa. Plans were made to get the construction materials, basic medical equipment and supplies of salt and sugar for the rehydration solution, and recruit health care workers to staff the center.

To make these plans a reality, Dr Strongfields stated, required resources, and the people attending the benefit responded. AAPDEP received enthusiastic financial support from the First Friday crowd. In addition, the Dhyana Yoga studio provided the space for the benefit and set an inspiring example by opening up the resources of health and fitness enjoyed by the white community to benefit African people's struggle for sustainability through self-determination.

The benefit continues with an on line auction of items from African Art to original paintings, jewelry, and gift certificates from local Center City businesses. Bids for these many exciting items are being taken online for the next 2 weeks at the AAPDEP website –

There will also be another event benefiting AAPDEP at Dhyana Yoga – a three hour workshop on Kundalini yoga on Sunday, November 23rd. For more information, contact the Uhuru Solidarity Movement local office at (215) 387-0919

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Support African Sustainable Development Programs!

Support African Sustainable Development Programs!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Philadelphia Police getting away with murder!

Philadelphia Police getting away with murder
Police get acquitted and African people’s lives are disregarded
(Written in response to the Philadelphia Inquirer for the article ‘City Police Shootings get Mired in System,’ Sept.3)

We in Uhuru Solidarity Movement would like to thank the Inquirer for keeping in the forefront the facts that District Attorney Lynne Abraham never prosecutes police for murdering African people in Philadelphia, the fraudulent investigations drag out forever, and the officers always end up being acquitted anyway. We unite with the African community’s demands for justice!

In 2006, Philadelphia police killed twenty people in this city, the most since 1980. It was the most people killed by police in the 10 largest cities in the entire country that year. In 2007, six people were shot and killed by the Philadelphia Police Department. Bryan Jones was the first person killed by the police in 2007. Bryan was taking his little cousin home from a New Years Eve Party, when the police shot him in the back of the head.

The D.A.’s office is supposedly still investigating, but not one officer has been prosecuted and Bryan’s family is still grieving the unjustifiable death of Bryan.
The African working class-led Uhuru Movement understands that the D.A. is carrying out the public policy of police containment of the African community. This is obvious in the fact that the D.A. never initiates the prosecution of any police officer. When a prosecution is initiated it is usually initiated by the family of the victim, or from a public demonstration such as those held by the Uhuru Movement.

The police in this city have a long time record for being scandalous and corrupt, such as the unfounded raids in 1985 during Operation Cold Turkey and the notorious Five Squad and the 39th District & 25th District scandals which made it clear it's not a scandal at all but policy from top to bottom to plant drugs, steal money, and frame and imprison innocent African and Latino people. The people locked up by police officers participating in those illegal raids are still in prison today! This Philadelphia Police Department is the same organization responsible for the murder of innocent men, women, and children in the bombing of the MOVE family, and the criminalization of the African community with policies like Stop & Frisk today.

The struggle to end police terror is part of a world-wide movement of the African working class, organizing to take back all their stolen resources, their land, and culture. We understand the public policy of police containment of the African community brings wealth and security to the white community through the drug and prison economies, through gentrification and land-grabs, and it is all at the expense of African people. There is no economic development for African communities in Philly - over half African men are unemployed, and more Africans go to prison from Philly than anywhere in the US!

The Uhuru Movement demands that Lynne Abraham be brought to trial for her disregard of the lives of people like Bryan Jones, Moses DeJesus, Ronald Timbers, Abebe Isaac, Raymond Pelzer and the list goes on. Also, the Uhuru Movement demands that the murderous Philadelphia Police Department be held accountable for these crimes immediately, before another African person is tortured or killed.

written Kristy Schneider
Uhuru Solidarity Movement

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Justice for Javon Dawson


The Justice for Javon Dawson Committee
converged on Governor Crist's office at Florida's capitol Wednesday - demanding an independent investigation!

It was anything but business as usual as the Justice for Javon Committee members held a demonstration outside the capitol building this morning, chanting and then speaking before the national media. Then the demonstration went inside to outside Florida Governor, Charlie Crist's office where the campaign insisted on being seen by the Govenor to deliver petitions from the community, demanding an independent investigator immediately replace Bernie McCabe.

The campaign refused to take no for an answer and they were finally seen by Crist's Chief of Staff, Eric J Eickenberg who presented a letter signed by Governor Crist stating that there will be an "independent investigation" done by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

Diop Olugbala is the chair of political action for the Justice for Javon Campaign and the InPDUM International organizer who put Javon's case on the national stage just last week when he asked Barack Obama - "What about the Black community?" and what about Javon Dawson?

Diop said of the action yesterday, "We view it as a victory! But the struggle is not over because although Crist appointed an independent investigation, it remains to be seen just how 'independent' it will be. So at this point the struggle is to make sure the African working-class has influence and control over how this investigation looks."

Click on the below links to see live coverage of the demonstration, hear powerful statements by Javon's stepmother and read other coverage of today's victory! See pictures below of the demonstration and resulting
letter from Gov. Crist.

We want to thank all of those who participated in this call-in, write-in, email and fax campaign. InPDUM has led a brilliant campaign, an organized strategy to win. In the Uhuru Solidarity Movement it is so important for us to be out there talking to other people in our communities and influencing public opinion!

"Obama's 'post-racial America' is very far from reality"
*NEW* blog posting from Penny Hess, Chair, African People's Solidarity Committee
Featuring: "Obama Facts" and "Two Americas - Conditions in the African Community"

"What about the Black community, Obama?"
Community Forum
Thursday, August 21st, 7:30 pm
Uhuru Solidarity Center, 3733 Lancaster Ave, W. Phila
You saw the Uhuru Movement challenge Obama with "What about the Black
community?" - the question heard around the world.  Now talk to Diop Olugbala in person!

Speaking one night only in Philadelphia, Diop Olugbala,
International Organizer for the International People's Democratic Uhuru

Click on picture below to view video of Diop Olugbala, international organizer for the Uhuru Movement, challenge Obama at a rally in St Petersburg, Florida on August 1:

What About the Black Community, Obama?

  • JOINUhuru Solidarity Movement, $25 is all that's required to become a card-carrying member of this activist organization. Be part of changing the world through liberation of African people worldwide!

  • DONATE!This work requires resources. Can you give? Donating is an important statement of support and solidarity!


If you have any questions, call Harris, outreach coordinator at 857-233-7508.


InPDUM Annual Convention - "What about the Black community, Obama?"Saturday and Sunday,

September 27th and 28th

Workshops * Presentations

• Police Aggression

• World Tribunal For Reparations To African People

• The Economic Attack On The African Community

• African Men in The Prison System

• Community Self-Defense

• The Ballot or The Bullet

• State Terror in All Its Forms

• The Attack On African School Children

Visit today for more information and to register!

 Uhuru Solidarity Movement • 215-387-0919 •  •

Saturday, August 2, 2008

What About the Black Community, Obama?

Breaking News Update:

St. Petersburg, FL -- Covered on CNN, Fox, ABC, as well as on the front cover of today's New York Times newspaper: The Uhuru Movement led a demonstration and protest at Obama's town hall meeting, demanding he address the concerns and conditions of the African community! Held at Gibbs High School, former school of 17-year-old Javon Dawson who was murdered by St Petersburg police June 7th, Obama was campaigning on his platform for "change" when Uhuru Movement members stood up and unfurled the banner reading "What about the Black community, Obama?"

Diop Olugbala, international organizer for the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement, challenged Obama to take a stand about:

- The subprime mortgage crisis that targeted the African community and Latino community

- Attacks like the killing of Sean Bell by the New York police department and Javon Dawson by the St. Petersburg police

- The Jena 6

- Hurricane Katrina, and the list goes on!

This was a strategic political struggle to thrust the issues of the African working class community into the national political debate. Uhuru Solidarity Movement is making a call for white people to take a stand and support this struggle! It's not a debate about McCain being the better candidate, it is a struggle around Obama who is basing his campaign on hope and change, garnering support from people who want to see a change in the world. But if you really look at what Obama represents, it is more of the status quo: he supports the continuation of the war abroad, he supports the death penalty, his financial advisor Penny Pritzker was the architect of the subprime mortgage targeting the African community, and the list goes on! Obama and McCain are the same! Real change, real peace can not happen without social justice.

The Uhuru Movement is demanding that the devastating conditions in the African community must be addressed! African people must have control over their own resources, lives and futures! Go to for more!

If we want real peace, we have to support an end to the terror enforced on the African community. Be part of an organization that is changing the world! Join Uhuru Solidarity Movement!


- Speak out!

Blog and make comments on the national news sites that are running coverage on this protest. They want to characterize the Uhuru Movement as "hecklers", but it was a protest making serious demands that Obama address the conditions in the African community!

- Attend Uhuru Solidarity Movement Studies and Meetings!

Every Thursday at 7:30pm
Uhuru Solidarity Center,
3733 Lancaster Ave.
West Phila (#10 Trolley from City Hall)
THIS Thursday, August 7 at 7:30pm - Study of "Africa Live" radio show with Diop Olugbala, leader in the Uhuru Movement, who asked Obama "What About the Black Community?"

For more information - contact USM Chair Harris at 857-233-7508 or email

Check out these links to see national media coverage, hear Diop address Obama and learn more!

New York Times Cover Story (scroll down)

Uhuru Solidarity Movement

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Uhuru! Welcome to the Philadelphia Uhuru Solidarity Blog.