Sunday, February 8, 2009

Free Ajamu Bandele - Targeted & framed by the York city government police for standing up for the rights of the black community!

Uhuru Movement Leader in York, PA

Come to York, PA for a Demonstration at Ajamu’s Pre-Trial Hearing
Tues Feb 17
At York County Courthouse • 45 N George St York, PA

A call to the white community:
Support the African community’s right to organize
for justice & liberation without government attack!

On Wed, October 29, 2008 Ajamu Bandele, president of the York branch of the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM), was arrested by the PA State Police in York and charged with possession of marijuana with conspiracy to distribute. Ajamu’s co-defendant has taken full responsibility for the situation, proving the State has no case against Ajamu.

Ajamu has been targeted by the government because he is a powerful leader of the black community in York. Ajamu led InPDUM’s work to expose the federal “222 Corridor Anti-Gang Initiative” as a blatant attack on African people’s democratic rights. It is part of the U.S. government’s “war on drugs, gangs & crime” which the Uhuru Movement has shown to be nothing but a war on the African community! Ajamu has been snatched away from his community, denied bail & the right to work as the sole provider for his 7 year-old son Quazil.

The Uhuru Solidarity Movement is an organization based in the white community working under the leadership of the African-led Uhuru Movement in solidarity with their struggle for justice and reparations. We see that just as the U.S. is waging war against the people of Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine in order to control their resources, the U.S. government is waging the same war against the black community right here!

The truth is that the U.S. economy is dependent on drugs and prisons; on criminalizing the entire African community and locking up a whole generation of young African people! While Wall Street banks and big corporations like Walmart, Microsoft and Starbucks make the biggest profits from the prison industry, it brings enormous resources, job opportunities, and benefits to the entire white community. This is why we have largely supported anti-black policies like “Stop and Frisk”, “Three Strikes” laws and heavy-handed policing.

Clearly this is NOT a “Post-Racial America”! If we want REAL change, we must stand in solidarity with the movement led by African people for control over their own lives, resources and communities! HANDS OFF THE UHURU MOVEMENT!
Come to York, PA for a Demonstration at Ajamu’s Pre-Trial Hearing • Tues Feb 17 • 8:30am At York County Courthouse • 45 N George St York, PA

Can't make the demonstration?

What YOU Can Do:

Call In Write In Voicing the Uhuru Movement's Demands:

  • Demand the detainer is lifted from Ajamu’s bond so that he can return to the community. For Call-in / Write-in info click here
  • Demand Ajamu’s immediate release and that all charges be dropped For Call-in / Write-in info (information forthcoming) • 215-387-0919