Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Forum tonight: U.S. Out of Africa! World-renowned scholar-activist Chioma Oruh on Resisting AFRICOM & NORTHCOM

U.S. Out of Africa!
Stop the War on the
Black Community!

7:30pm at the Uhuru Solidarity Center
3733 Lancaster Ave, West Philly (#10 Trolley)

Chioma Oruh on why we must resist AFRICOM & NORTHCOM!
• Chioma Oruh is a graduate student at Howard University who gives multimedia presentations all over the U.S. building the movement to expose & defeat the U.S. military plans for AFRICOM & NORTHCOM. Chioma is chair of the African Socialist International North American organizing committee.
• Presentation by Penny Hess, chair of the African People's Solidarity Committee

Did you know?

AFRICOM (U.S. Africa Command) is another word for the U.S. plans for the military occupation of Africa in order to expropriate its vast natural resource, while a third of African people face starvation!

NORTHCOM escalates the war on the black community in the U.S. The military base in Ft. Stewart, GA has 70,000+ troops poised to contain "civil unrest" in the U.S., violating U.S. law.

The African Socialist International, led by the Uhuru Movement, is uniting African people worldwide to control their own resources and to unify & liberate Africa!

• Become an ally of this movement for African liberation!
The Uhuru Solidarity Movement organizes in the white community to support African people's right to control their own resources & communities!

For more information contact Uhuru Solidarity Movement - 215-387-0919 - philly@uhurusolidarity.org - www.uhurusolidarity.org

Stop the Billion Dollar War
on the Black Community!

Hands Off the City Hall 2!

7:30pm at the Uhuru Solidarity Center
3733 Lancaster Ave, West Philly (#10 Trolley)

Featuring Diop Olugbala
Leader of the Philadelphia branch of the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement & one of the City Hall 2, attacked & arrested by police on March 19th in City Council for protesting Mayor Nutter's budget, which spends $1.1 billion on police & prisons while the majority of Africans in Philly live in poverty!

Support the right of the African community to organize for economic development & justice, to end the city's policies of police violence, poverty & prisons for
African people!

Speakers: Diop Olugbala, International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement
Penny Hess, African People's Solidarity Committee
"The State" - Video by Uhuru News

Uhuru Solidarity Movement - uhurusolidarity.org!